Sunday, June 27, 2021

Ti84: Scientific Calculator with Grpher Android Emulator

แ€•ြောแ€„်းแ€œဲแ€œာแ€™แ€š့် แ€•แ€Šာแ€›ေး แ€…แ€”แ€…်แ€™ှာ graphing calculator แ€†ိုแ€ာ แ€กแ€‘แ€€်แ€แ€”်းแ€†แ€„့် แ€€ျောแ€„်းแ€žားแ€™ျားแ€กแ€ွแ€€် แ€™แ€›ှိแ€™แ€–ြแ€…်แ€œိုแ€กแ€•်แ€ဲ့ instrument แ€แ€…်แ€ုแ€•ါ แ€œแ€€်แ€›ှိแ€•แ€Šာแ€›ေးแ€กแ€ွแ€€် แ€กแ€žုံးแ€•ြုแ€™แ€š့် scientific calculator แ€€แ€ော့ fx 991 es plus แ€œို့ online แ€•ေါ်แ€™ှာ แ€žแ€แ€„်းแ€ွေ แ€‘ွแ€€်แ€œာแ€ာแ€œဲ แ€ွေ့แ€›แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။

Scientific Calculator แ€ွေแ€™ှာ แ€”ာแ€™แ€Š်แ€€ြီးแ€ာแ€€แ€ော့ แ€‚ျแ€•แ€”်แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€„ံแ€‘ုแ€် Fx Series แ€ွေแ€”ဲ့ แ€กแ€™ေแ€›ိแ€€แ€‘ုแ€် Ti Series แ€ွေแ€•ါ။ แ€”ာแ€™แ€Š်แ€€ြီးแ€žแ€œို แ€กแ€žုံးแ€•ြုแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€™ှုแ€€แ€œแ€Š်း แ€กแ€œွแ€”်แ€€ောแ€„်းแ€•ါแ€แ€š်။ แ€œွแ€”်แ€ဲ့แ€žော แ€กแ€”ှแ€…် แ‚แ€ แ€œောแ€€်แ€€ dot matrix graphing calculator แ€แ€…်แ€œုံးแ€€ိုแ€„်แ€‘ားแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€›แ€„် แ€€ျောแ€„်းแ€žားแ€ွေแ€€ြားแ€™ှာ แ€กားแ€‘ားแ€›แ€žူแ€แ€…်แ€šောแ€€် แ€–ြแ€…်แ€›แ€œောแ€€်แ€กောแ€„် แ€™ျแ€€်แ€”ှာแ€•แ€”်းแ€•ွแ€„့်แ€ဲ့แ€ာแ€•ေါ့။

แ€šแ€”ေ့แ€กแ€„်แ€ာแ€”แ€€်แ€ွေ แ€›ှိแ€œာแ€ော့ online แ€กแ€žုံးแ€•ြုแ€™ှု‌แ€ွေ แ€ွแ€„်แ€€ျแ€š်แ€œာแ€•ြီး၊ graphing calculator แ€žာแ€™แ€Ÿုแ€်၊ symbolab, wolframalpha, desmos, geogebra แ€กแ€…แ€›ှိแ€ဲ့ powerful symbolic solver แ€ွေ แ€€ แ€œွှแ€™်းแ€™ိုးแ€”ေแ€›ာแ€šူแ€œာแ€•ေแ€™แ€š့် แ€…ာแ€žแ€„်แ€แ€”်းแ€”ဲ့ แ€…ာแ€™ေးแ€•ွဲแ€œို offline แ€กแ€žုံးแ€•ြုแ€›แ€™แ€š့် แ€”ေแ€›ာแ€ွေแ€™ှာแ€ော့ scientific calculator แ€ွေแ€Ÿာ แ€™แ€›ှိแ€™แ€–ြแ€…်แ€œိုแ€กแ€•်แ€”ေแ€†ဲแ€•ါ။ แ€’ါ့แ€กแ€•ြแ€„် Online Solver แ€ွေแ€€ แ€กแ€„်แ€ာแ€›ှိแ€™ှ แ€žုံးแ€œို့แ€›แ€™ှာ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ေแ€™แ€š့် Scientific calculator แ€ွေแ€€แ€ော့ offline แ€žုံးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€™ှာ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။ แ€’ါแ€€ြောแ€„့် แ€šแ€”ေ့แ€€ျောแ€„်းแ€žားแ€ိုแ€„်းแ€™ှာ scientific calculator แ€แ€…်แ€ုแ€›ှိแ€–ို့ แ€œိုแ€กแ€•်แ€œာแ€•ါแ€•ြီ။

Android phone แ€ွေ แ€ွแ€„်แ€€ျแ€š်แ€œာแ€œို့ scientific calculator แ€ွေแ€€ို android app แ€กแ€”ေแ€”ဲ့ แ€žုံးแ€œို့แ€›แ€œာแ€œို့ แ€…ာแ€žแ€„်แ€แ€”်း၊ แ€…ာแ€™ေးแ€•ွဲแ€แ€”်း แ€™แ€Ÿုแ€်แ€ဲ့แ€”ေแ€›ာแ€ွေแ€™ှာแ€ော့ calculator แ€ွေแ€€ို phone แ€•ေါ်แ€™ှာ แ€žုံးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ြီ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။ แ€’ါแ€€ြောแ€„့် scientific calculator แ€ွေ แ€žုံးแ€œာแ€›แ€ော့แ€™แ€š့် แ€กแ€ြေแ€กแ€”ေแ€™ှာ แ€€ျောแ€„်းแ€žားแ€ွေ แ€กแ€”ေแ€”ဲ့แ€€ော แ€†แ€›ာแ€ွေ แ€กแ€”ေแ€”ဲ့แ€•ါ scientific calculator แ€กแ€žုံးแ€•ြုแ€”แ€Š်းแ€ွေแ€€ို แ€œေ့แ€œာแ€‘ားแ€žแ€„့်แ€•ြီแ€œို့ แ€šူแ€†แ€™ိแ€•ါแ€แ€š်။

Scientific Calculator android app แ€ွေ แ€™ျားแ€…ွာแ€›ှိแ€ဲ့ แ€กแ€‘ဲแ€€ แ€กแ€™ေแ€›ိแ€€แ€”်แ€‘ုแ€် Ti84 Scientific Calculator + Graphig Calculator แ€€แ€ော့ แ€กแ€žုံးแ€•ြုแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€™ှု Function แ€…ုံแ€œแ€„်แ€žแ€œို แ€…ျေးแ€€แ€œဲแ€€ြီးแ€•ါแ€แ€š်။ Powerful Calculator แ€แ€…်แ€ုแ€œဲ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။ แ€กแ€ု post แ€™ှာแ€ော့ Android phone แ€™ှာ แ€žုံးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ဲ့ Ti84 Android Emulator แ€€ို แ€แ€„်แ€•ြแ€•ေးแ€•ါแ€™แ€š်။ Ti84 แ€™ှာ แ€žုံးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ဲ့ Functions แ€ွေแ€…ုံแ€œแ€„် แ€™ျားแ€•ြားแ€œွแ€”်းแ€ာแ€€ြောแ€„့် แ€’ီ post แ€™ှာ แ€กแ€€ုแ€”်แ€แ€„်แ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€™ှာ แ€™แ€Ÿုแ€်แ€•ါแ€˜ူး။ แ€…ာแ€›ေးแ€žူแ€œဲ Function แ€กားแ€œုံးแ€€ို แ€™แ€žုံးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါแ€˜ူး။ แ€€ျောแ€„်းแ€žားแ€กแ€™ျားแ€…ုแ€กแ€ွแ€€် แ€กแ€ြေแ€ံแ€กแ€žုံးแ€•ြုแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ဲ့ Function แ€แ€…်แ€ျို့แ€€ို แ€แ€„်แ€•ြแ€žွားแ€™ှာแ€•ါ။ แ€กแ€žုံးแ€•ြုแ€”แ€Š်းแ€™แ€Ÿုแ€်แ€•ါ။

Ti84 แ€™ှာแ€žုံးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ာแ€ွေแ€‘ဲแ€€ แ€œแ€€်แ€œှแ€™်းแ€™ီแ€žแ€œောแ€€် แ€แ€„်แ€•ြแ€›แ€›แ€„်
  • basic numeric operation
  • solving two to five unknown simultaneous linear equations
  • solving polynomial to fifth degree
  • logarithms of any base
  • statistics, probability
  • complex number system
  • cartesin and polar coordinate system
  • trigonometry
  • calculus
  • matrix and vectors
  • graphing functions
  • discriminant of polynomial
  • python programming

แ€…แ€ာแ€ွေ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။ แ€กแ€ုแ€•ြောแ€ဲ့แ€ာ แ€กแ€•ြแ€„် แ€กแ€ြားแ€œုแ€•်แ€†ောแ€„်แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ဲ့ Functions แ€™ျားแ€…ွာแ€›ှိแ€•ါแ€แ€š် แ€ฅแ€•แ€™ာ symbolic derivative, symbolic integration แ€œိုแ€™ျိုးแ€€ို แ€ွแ€€်แ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါแ€แ€š် Scientific calculator แ€กแ€™ျားแ€…ုแ€Ÿာ numerical operation แ€€ိုแ€žာ แ€ွแ€€်แ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။ Symbolic operation แ€€ို Online Solver แ€ွေแ€™ှแ€žာ แ€–ြေแ€›ှแ€„်းแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ေแ€™แ€š့် Differentiation แ€”ဲ့ Integration แ€€ိုแ€ော့ Ti84 แ€™ှာ แ€–ြေแ€›ှแ€„်းแ€•ေးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။ Python แ€€ိုแ€”ားแ€œแ€Š်แ€›แ€„် แ€€ိုแ€š်แ€ိုแ€„် program แ€›ေแ€•ြီး solve แ€œုแ€•်แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါแ€žေးแ€แ€š်။

Funtion แ€แ€…်แ€ုแ€ျแ€„်းแ€…ီแ€กแ€ွแ€€် Function tip แ€ွေแ€•ါแ€œို့ แ€†แ€€်แ€œแ€€်แ€œေ့แ€œာ แ€žုံးแ€…ွဲแ€€ြแ€Š့်แ€–ို့แ€ိုแ€€်แ€ွแ€”်းแ€•ါแ€แ€š်။ hard device แ€แ€š်แ€žုံးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€›แ€„် แ€กแ€€ောแ€„်းแ€†ုံးแ€•ါ။ แ€”ောแ€„်แ€™ှာ แ€…ာแ€žแ€„်แ€แ€”်းแ€žုံး แ€กแ€”ေแ€”ဲ့แ€œแ€Š်း แ€กแ€†แ€„်แ€•ြေแ€™ှာ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ေแ€™แ€š့် Hard device แ€™แ€›ှိแ€žေးแ€›แ€„်แ€ော့ android emulator แ€€ို download แ€šူแ€•ြီး android phone แ€”ဲ့ แ€žုံးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€แ€š်။

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Quadratic Function : Multiple Choice Questions

แ€–ုแ€”်းแ€–ြแ€„့်แ€€ြแ€Š့်แ€žแ€Š့်แ€กแ€ါ แ€…ာแ€™ျားแ€€ို แ€กแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€™แ€™ြแ€„်แ€›แ€œျှแ€„် screen แ€€ို แ€˜แ€š်แ€Šာ แ€†ွဲแ€€ြแ€Š့်แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါแ€žแ€Š်။

Important Notes

Quadratic Function
(Standard Form)
$f(x)=a x^{2}+b x+c, a \neq 0$
Graph Parabola
$a>0$ (opens upward)
$a<0$ (opens downward)
Axis of Symmetry $x=-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}$
Vertex $\left(-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}, f\left(-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}\right)\right)=\left(-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a},-\displaystyle\frac{b^{2}-4 a c}{4 a}\right)$
y-intercept (0, c)
Discriminant $b^{2}-4 a c$
$b^{2}-4 a c>0 \Rightarrow$ two $x$ intercepts (cuts $x-$ axis at two points)
$b^{2}-4 a c=0 \Rightarrow$ one $x$ intercepts (touch $x$ -axis at one point $)$
$b^{2}-4 a c=0 \Rightarrow$ one $x$ intercepts (does not intersect $x$ -axis)
Quadratic Equation $a x^{2}+b x+c=0, a \neq 0$
Quadratic Formula $x=\displaystyle\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^{2}-4 a c}}{2 a}$
Quadratic Function
(Vertex Form)
$f(x)=a(x-h)^{2}+k, a \neq 0$
Vertex $(h, k)$
Axis of Symmetry
(Vertex Form)
Quadratic Function
(Intercept Form when
discriminant $>0$)
$f(x)=a(x-p)(x-q), a \neq 0$
$X$ -intercept points $(p, 0)$ and $(q, 0)$
Axis of Symmetry $x=\displaystyle\frac{p+q}{2}$
Quadratic Inequality $a x^{2}+b x+c>0$
$a x^{2}+b x+c \geq 0$
$a x^{2}+b x+c<0$
$a x^{2}+b x+c \leq 0$
$a>0$ and $b^2-4ac<0$

The graph does not cut the $x$ -axis.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\mathbb{R}$
$a<0$ and $b^2-4ac<0$

The graph does not cut the $x$ -axis.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\mathbb{R}$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$a>0$ and $b^2-4ac=0$

The graph touches the $x$ -axis.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\left\{-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}\right\}$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\mathbb{R} \backslash\left\{-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}\right\}$
$a<0$ and $b^2-4ac=0$

The graph touches the $x$ -axis.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\mathbb{R} \backslash\left\{-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}\right\}$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\left\{-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}\right\}$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$a>0$ and $b^2-4ac>0$

The graph cuts the $x$ -axis at two points.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{x \mid p<x<q\}$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{p, q\}$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{x \mid x<p$ or $x>q\}$
$a<0$ and $b^2-4ac>0$

The graph cuts the $x$ -axis at two points.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{x \mid x<p$ or $x>q\}$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{p, q\}$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{x \mid p<x<q\}$

แ€กแ€‘แ€€်แ€–ော်แ€•ြแ€•ါ quadratic function แ€”ှแ€„့်แ€†ိုแ€„်แ€žော definitions แ€”ှแ€„့် concepts แ€™ျားแ€€ိုแ€žိแ€›ှိแ€”ားแ€œแ€Š်แ€•ြီးแ€œျှแ€„် แ€กောแ€€်แ€•ါ MCQ แ€™ျားแ€€ို แ€œေ့แ€€ျแ€„့် แ€–ြေแ€†ိုแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါแ€•ြီ။ แ€–ြေแ€†ိုแ€•ြီးแ€€ြောแ€„်း Submit แ€œုแ€•်แ€•ြီးแ€œျှแ€„် แ€›แ€™ှแ€်แ€”ှแ€„့် แ€กแ€–ြေแ€™ှแ€”်แ€€ိုแ€•ါ แ€•ြแ€•ေးแ€™แ€Š် แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။ แ€›ှแ€„်းแ€œแ€„်းแ€ျแ€€်แ€™แ€•ါแ€แ€„်แ€•ါ။

MCQ Test

Friday, June 25, 2021

Multiple Choice : Logarithms

แ€แ€€္แ€€แ€žိုแ€œ်แ€แ€„်แ€แ€”်း แ€™ေးแ€ွแ€”်းแ€™ှာ MCQ Format แ€™แ€•ါแ€ော့แ€•ေแ€™แ€š့် Multiple Choice Question แ€†ိုแ€ာ แ€€ျောแ€„်းแ€žားแ€›ဲ့ แ€˜ာแ€žာแ€›แ€•်แ€†ိုแ€„်แ€›ာ แ€”ားแ€œแ€Š်แ€แ€်แ€žိแ€™ှု၊ แ€–ြแ€်แ€‘ိုးแ€‰ာแ€်၊ แ€†แ€„်แ€ြแ€„်แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€…ွแ€™်း แ€…แ€ာแ€ွေแ€€ို แ€…แ€…်แ€†ေးแ€ာแ€–ြแ€…်แ€œို့ แ€œေ့แ€€ျแ€„့်แ€‘ားแ€žแ€„့်แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။ แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€„ံแ€แ€€ာ แ€แ€€္แ€€แ€žိုแ€œ်แ€แ€„် แ€…ာแ€™ေးแ€•ွဲแ€™ျားแ€™ှာแ€œแ€Š်း MCQ แ€€ိုแ€•ဲ แ€ฆးแ€…ားแ€•ေး แ€™ေးแ€œေ့แ€›ှိแ€ာแ€™ို့ แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€„ံแ€›แ€•်แ€ြား แ€€ျောแ€„်းแ€แ€€်แ€–ို့ แ€…ာแ€™ေးแ€•ွဲแ€–ြေแ€†ိုแ€™แ€Š့်แ€žူแ€™ျား แ€กแ€ွแ€€်แ€œแ€Š်း แ€กแ€žုံးแ€แ€„်แ€•ါแ€œိแ€™့်แ€™แ€š်။

Definition: Logarithm

Let $N$ and $b$ be positive real numbers, with $b \neq 1$. Then the logarithm of $N$ (with respect) to the base $b$ is the exponent by which $b$ must be raised to yield $N$, and is denoted by $\log _{b} N$

Rules of Logarithms

$\begin{array}{ll} \text{L}1. & N=b^{\log _{b} N}\\\\ \text{L}2. & x=\log _{b} b^{x}\\\\ \text{L}3. & \log _{b} b=1\\\\ \text{L}4. & \log _{b} 1=0\\\\ \text{L}5. & \log _{b}(M N)=\log _{b} M+\log _{b} N\\\\ \text{L}6. & \log _{b} N^{p}=p \log _{b} N\\\\ \text{L}7. & \log _{b}\left(\displaystyle\frac{M}{N}\right)=\log _{b} M-\log _{b} N\\\\ \text{L}8. & \log _{a} N=\displaystyle\frac{\log _{b} N}{\log _{b} N}\\\\ \text{L}9. & \log _{a} N=\displaystyle\frac{1}{\log _{N} a}\\\\ \text{L}10. & \log _{a^{p}} N=\displaystyle\frac{1}{p} \log _{a} N\\\\ \text{L}11. & a^{\log _{k} b}=b^{\log _{k} a} \end{array}$

Common Logarithm

The logarithm of $N$ to the base $10\left(\log _{10} N\right)$ is said to be a common logarithm, and is usually written as $\log N$ (omitting the base). where $n$ is called the characteristic and $\log a$ is called the mantissa of $\log N$.

$\begin{array}{|l|} \hline\log _{10} N=\log N\\ \hline \end{array}$

If $\quad N=a \times 10^{n}$,

then $\quad \log N=\log \left(a \times 10^{n}\right)=\log 10^{n}+\log a=n+\log a$ where $n$ is called the characteristic and $\log a$ is called the mantissa of $\log N$.

Note that $n$ is an integer and $1 \leq a<10$

Euler's Number

As a positive integer $n$ become very large, the value of $\left(1+\displaystyle\frac{1}{n}\right)^{n}$ approaches an irrational number, which is denoted by $e$.

Natural Logarithm

The logarithm of $N$ to the base $e$ is called a natural logarithm, and is denoted by $\ln N$.

$\begin{array}{|l|} \hline\log _{e} N=\ln N\\ \hline \end{array}$

MCQ Test

1. If $\log _{10} x=3$ then $x=$
A. $500$
B. $\displaystyle\frac{10}{3}$
C. $700$
D. $ 1000$
2. If $\log _{7} x=2$, then $x=$
A. $14$
B. $49$
C. $128$
D. $64$
3. The characteristic of log 19 is
A. $0$
B. $10$
C. $2$
D. $ 1$
4. The characteristic of $\log 3.216$ is
A. $0$
B. $4$
C. $3$
D. $10$
5. Common logarithm has the base
A. $2$
B. $e$
C. $\pi$
D. $ 10$
6. In scientific notation $0.00416$ is written as
A. $0.0416 \times 10^{-1}$
B. $0.416 \times 10^{-2}$
C. $ 4.16 \times 10^{-3}$
D. $41.6 \times 10^{-4}$
7. In decimal form $2.35 \times 10^{-2}$ is written as
A. $2.35$
B. $0.0235$
C. $0.00235$
D. $0.000235$
8. $\log 5+\log 8-\log 3=$
A. $5 \log \displaystyle\frac{8}{3}$
B. $3 \log 40$
C. $\log \displaystyle\frac{40}{3}$
D. $3 \log \displaystyle\frac{5}{8}$
9. $\log 50$ can be written as
A. $\log 2+2 \log 5$
B. $\log 2+\log 15$
C. $\log 2+5\log 2$
D. $\log 2+\log 5$
10. 3 is the characteristic in the logarithm of the number
A. $879.2$
B. $87.92$
C. $8.792$
D. $8792$
11. If $\log _{2} 8=x$ then $x=$
A. $2^{8}$
B. $64$
C. $3^{2}$
D. $3$
12. $5^{4}=625$ is written in the logarithmic form as
A. $\log 5=625$
B. $\log _{5} 4=625$
C. $\log _{5} 625=4$
D. $\log _{4} 625=5$
13. If $\log _{81} x=-\displaystyle\frac{3}{4}$ then $x=$
A. $27$
B. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{3}$
C. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{27}$
D. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{9}$
14. If antilog $3.8716=7440$ and $\log x=0.8716$ then $x=$
A. $74.40$
B. $7.440$
C. $744.0$
D. $7440$
15. If $\log 5=0.6990$ and $\log 3=0.4771$, then $\log 45=$
A. $1.6532$
B. $1.1761$
C. $1.8751$
D. $1.2219$
16. 3 log2 $-2$ log5 in the simplified form is
A. $\log \displaystyle\frac{6}{10}$
B. $\log \displaystyle\frac{9}{12}$
C. $\log \displaystyle\frac{8}{25}$
D. $\log \displaystyle\frac{25}{8}$
17. If $\log _{x} 81=4$ then $x=$
A. $3$
B. $2$
C. $-1$
D. $0$
18. If $\log _{8} x=\displaystyle\frac{2}{3}$ then $x=$
A. $2$
B. $4$
C. $3$
D. $-1$
19. $3 \log 2+\log 3=\log x$ then $x=$
A. $12$
B. $18$
C. $24$
D. $30$
20. If $\log _{4} 64=x$, then $x=$
A. $2$
B. $-1$
C. $0$
D. $3$
21. If $\log _{81} 9=x$, then $x=$
A. $3$
B. $2$
C. $1$
D. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}$
22. If $\log_{x} 49=2 ; x=$
A. $6$
B. $3$
C. $7$
D. $0$
23. If $\log 35+\log 36=\log (3 x)$ then $x=$
A. $400$
B. $420$
C. $520$
D. $600$
24. $\log 3+\log 6-\log 2=\log x$ then $x=$
A. $10$
B. $9$
C. $8$
D. $7$
25. $\log_{x} 36=2$ then $x=$
A. $5$
B. $8$
C. $2$
D. $6$
26. If $\log_{8} 16=x$, then $x=$
A. $\displaystyle\frac{4}{3}$
B. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}$,
C. $2$
D. $-\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}$
27. $\log 5+\log 8-\log 6=$
A. $\log 7$
B. $\log \displaystyle\frac{13}{6}$
C. $\log \displaystyle\frac{40}{6}$
D. $\log 50$
28. The characteristic of $\log 0.00329$ is
A. $\overline{1}$
B. $\overline{3}$
C. $\overline{2}$
D. $0$
29. The characteristic of $\log 1.02$ is
A. $1$
B. $\overline{3}$
C. $0$
D. $-1$
30. If $\log _{10} 100=x$, then $x=$
A. $2$
B. $1$
C. $0$
D. $-1$
31. The characteristic of $\log 0.000753$ is
A. $\overline{1}$
B. $\overline{2}$
C. $\overline{3}$
D. $\overline{4}$
32. The exponential form of $y=\log _{a} x$ is
A. $ x=y$
B. $a^{y}=x$
C. $x^{y}=a$
D. $a=x^{y}$
33. The logarithmic form of $a=y^x$ is
A. $\log _{a} x=y$
B. $ \log _{y} a=x$
C. $\log _{x} y=a$
D. $\log _{a} y=x$
34. The integral part of logarithm is called
A. determinant
B. matrix
C. mantissa
D. characteristic
35. The decimal part of logarithm is called
A. determinant
B. set
C. mantissa
D. characteristic
36. $ \displaystyle\frac{\log 5}{\log 3}=$
A. $\log 5-\log 3$
B. $\log_{3} 5$
C. $\log_{5} 3$
D. $\log\displaystyle\frac{ 5}{3}$
37. $\log 729=$
A. $\log 3$
B. $6 \log 3$
C. $\log 6$
D. $\log 3+\log 6$
38. If $\log 2=0.3010 . \log 3=0.4771, \log 5=0.6990$ then $\log 30=$
A. $1.4771$
B. $0.4771$
C. $-0.4771$
D. $-1.4771$
39. If $\log 2=0.3010, \log 3=0.4771$ then $\log 4.5=$
A. $0.7781$
B. $0.1761$
D. $1.6532$
40. If $\log _{10} 7=a$, then $\log _{10}\left(\displaystyle\frac{1}{70}\right)=$
A. $-(1+a)$
B. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{1+a}$
C. $\displaystyle\frac{a}{10}$
D. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{10 a}$
41. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{\log _{a} b} \times \displaystyle\frac{1}{\log _{b} c} \times \displaystyle\frac{1}{\log _{c} a}=$
A. $-1$
B. $0$
C. $1$
D. $a b c$
42. If $\log _{10} 2=a$ and $\log _{10} 3=b$ then $\log _{5} 12=$
A. $\displaystyle\frac{a+b}{1+a}$
B. $\displaystyle\frac{2 a+b}{1+a}$
C. $\displaystyle\frac{a+2 b}{1+a}$
D. $\displaystyle\frac{2 a+b}{1-a}$
43. If $\log _{a}(a b)=x$, then $\log _{b}(a b)=$
A. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{x}$
B. $\displaystyle\frac{x}{x+1}$
C. $\displaystyle\frac{x}{1-x}$
D. $\displaystyle\frac{x}{x-1}$
44. $2 \log _{10} 5+\log _{10} 8-\displaystyle\frac{1}{2} \log _{10} 4=$
A. $2$
B. $4$
C. $2\left(1-\log _{10} 1\right)$
D. $4\left(1-\log _{10} 1\right)$
45. If $\log _{5}\left(x^{2}+x\right)-\log _{5}(x+1)=2$, then $x=$
A. $5$
B. $10$
C. $25$
D. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{5}$
46. If $\log _{10} x-5 \log _{10} 3=-2$, then $x=$
A. $\displaystyle\frac{80}{100}$
B. $\displaystyle\frac{81}{100}$
C. $\displaystyle\frac{125}{100}$
D. $\displaystyle\frac{243}{100}$
47. If $\log _{3} x+\log _{9} x^{2}+\log _{27} x^{3}=9$, then $x=$
A. $3$
B. $9$
C. $27$
D. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{3}$
48. If $a=\log _{8} 225$ and $b=\log _{2} 15$, then $\displaystyle\frac{a}{b}=$
A. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{3}$
B. $\displaystyle\frac{2}{3}$
C. $\displaystyle\frac{3}{2}$
D. $3$
49. If the logarithm of a number is $-3.153$, what are characteristic and mantissa?
A. characteristic $=-4, \quad$ mantissa $=0.847$
B. characteristic $=-4, \quad$ mantissa $=0.153$
C. characteristic $=4, \quad$ mantissa $=-0.847$
D. characteristic $=-3, \quad$ mantissa $=-0.153$
50. If $\log \left(\displaystyle\frac{a}{b}\right)+\log \left(\displaystyle\frac{b}{a}\right)=\log (a+b)$, then
A. $a+b=1$
B. $a-b=1$
C. $a=b$
D. $a^{2}+b^{2}=1$

Answer Keys

$\begin{array}{|ll|ll|ll|ll|ll|} \hline 1. &\text {D} & 2. &\text {B} & 3. &\text {D} & 4. &\text {A} & 5. &\text {D} \\ \hline 6. &\text {C} & 7. &\text {B} & 8. & \text{C} & 9. &\text {A }& 10.&\text {D} \\ \hline 11.&\text {D} & 12.&\text {C} & 13.&\text {C} & 14.&\text {B} & 15.&\text {A} \\ \hline 16.&\text {C} & 17.&\text {A} & 18.&\text {B} & 19.&\text {C} & 20.&\text {D} \\ \hline 21.&\text {D} & 22.&\text {C} & 23.&\text {B} & 24.&\text {B} & 25.&\text {D} \\ \hline 26.&\text {A} & 27.&\text {C} & 28.&\text {B} & 29.&\text {C} & 30.&\text {A} \\ \hline 31.&\text {D} & 32.&\text {B} & 33.&\text {B} & 34.&\text {D} & 35.&\text {C} \\ \hline 36.&\text {B} & 37.&\text {B} & 38.&\text {A} & 39.&\text {C} & 40.&\text {A} \\ \hline 41.&\text {C} & 42.&\text {D} & 43.&\text {D} & 44.& \text {A}& 45.&\text {C} \\ \hline 46.&\text {D} & 47.&\text {C} & 48.&\text {B} & 49.&\text {A} & 50.&\text {A} \\ \hline \end{array}$

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Problems : Quadratic Functions

Important Notes

Quadratic Function
(Standard Form)
$f(x)=a x^{2}+b x+c, a \neq 0$
Graph Parabola
$a>0$ (opens upward)
$a<0$ (opens downward)
Axis of Symmetry $x=-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}$
Vertex $\left(-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}, f\left(-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}\right)\right)=\left(-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a},-\displaystyle\frac{b^{2}-4 a c}{4 a}\right)$
y-intercept (0, c)
Discriminant $b^{2}-4 a c$
$b^{2}-4 a c>0 \Rightarrow$ two $x$ intercepts (cuts $x-$ axis at two points)
$b^{2}-4 a c=0 \Rightarrow$ one $x$ intercepts (touch $x$ -axis at one point $)$
$b^{2}-4 a c=0 \Rightarrow$ one $x$ intercepts (does not intersect $x$ -axis)
Quadratic Equation $a x^{2}+b x+c=0, a \neq 0$
Quadratic Formula $x=\displaystyle\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^{2}-4 a c}}{2 a}$
Quadratic Function
(Vertex Form)
$f(x)=a(x-h)^{2}+k, a \neq 0$
Vertex $(h, k)$
Axis of Symmetry
(Vertex Form)
Quadratic Function
(Intercept Form when
discriminant $>0$)
$f(x)=a(x-p)(x-q), a \neq 0$
$X$ -intercept points $(p, 0)$ and $(q, 0)$
Axis of Symmetry $x=\displaystyle\frac{p+q}{2}$
Quadratic Inequality $a x^{2}+b x+c>0$
$a x^{2}+b x+c \geq 0$
$a x^{2}+b x+c<0$
$a x^{2}+b x+c \leq 0$
$a>0$ and $b^2-4ac<0$

The graph does not cut the $x$ -axis.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\mathbb{R}$
$a<0$ and $b^2-4ac<0$

The graph does not cut the $x$ -axis.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\mathbb{R}$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$a>0$ and $b^2-4ac=0$

The graph touches the $x$ -axis.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\left\{-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}\right\}$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\mathbb{R} \backslash\left\{-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}\right\}$
$a<0$ and $b^2-4ac=0$

The graph touches the $x$ -axis.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\mathbb{R} \backslash\left\{-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}\right\}$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\left\{-\displaystyle\frac{b}{2 a}\right\}$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\varnothing$
$a>0$ and $b^2-4ac>0$

The graph cuts the $x$ -axis at two points.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{x \mid p<x<q\}$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{p, q\}$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{x \mid x<p$ or $x>q\}$
$a<0$ and $b^2-4ac>0$

The graph cuts the $x$ -axis at two points.
$y<0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{x \mid x<p$ or $x>q\}$
$y=0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{p, q\}$
$y>0 \Rightarrow$ solution set $=\{x \mid p<x<q\}$

Example (1)

The equation $k x^{2}+5 k x+3=0$, where $k$ is a constant, has no real roots. Prove that $k$ satisfies the inequality $0 \leq k < \displaystyle\frac{12}{25}$.


If $k=0,3=0$ is impossible.

Therefore $k x^{2}+5 k x+3=0$ has no real root when $k=0 \quad---(1)$

$k x^{2}+5 k x+3=0$

Since the equation has no real root, discriminant $ < 0 $.

$\therefore(5 k)^{2}-4 k(3)< 0 $

$25 k^{2}-12 k<0$

$k(25 k-12)< 0$

Dividing both sides with 25 ,


$0 < k <\displaystyle\frac{12}{25} \quad---(2)$

By equations (1) and (2), $0 \leq k < \displaystyle\frac{12}{25}$

Example (2)

Prove that $x^{2}+8 x+20 \geqslant 4$ for all values of $x$.


$x^{2}+8 x+20$

$=x^{2}+2 x(4)+4^{2}+4$


Since $(x+4)^{2} \geq 0$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$,

$(x+4)^{2}+4 \geq 4$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$

$\therefore x^{2}+8 x+20 \geq 4$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$

Example (3)

Find the suitable domain of the function $f(x)=1+3 x-2 x^{2}$ for which the curve of $f(x)$ lies completely above the line $y=-1$.


$f(x)=1+3 x-2 x^{2}$

By the problem, $f(x)>-1$.

$\therefore 1+3 x-2 x^{2}>-1$

$\therefore 2+3 x-2 x^{2}>0$


$\therefore \quad-1< x < 4$

$\therefore \operatorname{dom}(f)=\{x \mid-1<x<4\}$

Example (4)

The ratio of the lengths $a: b$ in this line is the same as the ratio of the lengths $b: c$.


By the diagram, $a=b+c$

By the problem, $\displaystyle\frac{a}{b}=\displaystyle\frac{b}{c}$

$\therefore \displaystyle\frac{b+c}{b}=\displaystyle\frac{b}{c}$

$\therefore b^{2}=b c+c^{2}$

$\therefore b^{2}-b c-c^{2}=0$

Dividing both sides with $c^{2}$,


$\therefore \displaystyle\frac{b}{c}=\displaystyle\frac{1 \pm \sqrt{1+4}}{2}$

$\therefore \displaystyle\frac{b}{c}=\displaystyle\frac{1 \pm \sqrt{5}}{2}$

Since $b, c>0, \displaystyle\frac{b}{c}=\displaystyle\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$

Example (5)

Show that the infinite square root $\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\ldots}}}}}=\displaystyle\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2} .$


Let $x=\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\ldots}}}}}$

Squaring both sides, $x^{2}=1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\ldots}}}}$

$\therefore x^{2}=1+x$

$\therefore x^{2}-x-1=0$

$\therefore x=\displaystyle\frac{1 \pm \sqrt{5}}{2}$

Since $x>0, x =\displaystyle\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$

$\therefore \quad \sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{1+\ldots}}}}}=\displaystyle\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2} .$


1. Use completing the square to prove that $3 n^{2}-4 n+10$ is positive for all values of $n$.
2. Use completing the square to prove that $-n^{2}-2 n-3$ is negative for all values of $n$.
3. Find the values of $k$ for which $x^{2}+6 x+k=0$ has two real solutions.
4. Find the value of $t$ for which $2 x^{2}-3 x+t=0$ has exactly one solution.
5. Given that the function $f(x)=s x^{2}+8 x+s$ has equal roots, find the value of the positive constant $s$.
6. Find the range of values of $k$ for which $3 x^{2}-4 x+k=0$ has no real solutions.
7. The function $g(x)=x^{2}+3 p x+(14 p-3)$, where $p$ is an integer, has two equal roots.
(a) Find the value of $p$.
(b) For this value of $p$, solve the equation $x^{2}+3 p x+(14 p-3)=0$.
8. $h(x)=2 x^{2}+(k+4) x+k$, where $k$ is a real constant.
(a) Find the discriminant of $h(x)$ in terms of $k$.
(b) Hence or otherwise, prove that $h(x)$ has two distinct real roots for all values of $k$.
9. The equation $p x^{2}-5 x-6=0$, where $p$ is a constant, has two distinct real roots. Prove that $p$ satisfies the inequality $p>-\displaystyle\frac{25}{24} $.

Answer Keys
$\begin{array}{ll} 1. & \text{Hint:}\ 3\left(n-\displaystyle\frac{2}{3}\right)^{2}+\displaystyle\frac{26}{3}\\\\ 2. & \text{Hint:}\ -(n+1)^2-2\\\\ 3. & k<9 \\\\ 4. & t=\displaystyle\frac{9}{8}\\\\ 5. & s=4\\\\ 6. & \left\{x\ |\ k>\displaystyle\frac{4}{3}\right\}\\\\ 7. & \text{(a)}\ p=6, \text{(b)}\ x=-9\\\\ 8. & \begin{array}{ll} \text{(a)}& \text{discriminant}=(k+4)^2-8k \\ \text{(b)}& \text{Hint} : (k+4)^2-8k=k^2+16>0\ \text{for all values of}\ k \end{array}\\\\ 9. & \text{Hint: discriminant} >0 \end{array}$

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Proof by Contradiction

แ€…แ€…်แ€€ိုแ€™ုแ€”်း၍ แ€ိုแ€€်แ€ဲ့แ€žแ€Š်


Contradict = แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„်แ€žแ€Š်၊

Contradiction = แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„်แ€ြแ€„်း

Proof by Contradiction = แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„်แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€ြแ€„်း

Proof by Contradiction แ€žแ€Š် A Level Mathematics แ€ွแ€„် แ€™ေးแ€œေ့แ€›ှိแ€žော แ€™ေးแ€ွแ€”်းแ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€กแ€œွแ€š်แ€•ြောแ€›แ€œျှแ€„် แ€™ူแ€œแ€กแ€†ိုแ€•ြုแ€ျแ€€်แ€€ို แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„်แ€˜แ€€် แ€šူแ€†แ€•ြီး၊ แ€šူแ€†แ€ျแ€€်แ€™ှားแ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€ြแ€„်းแ€–ြแ€„့် แ€™ူแ€œแ€กแ€†ို แ€™ှแ€”်แ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€‘ောแ€€်แ€ံแ€ြแ€„်းแ€€ို Proof by Contradiction แ€Ÿု แ€ေါ်แ€•ါแ€žแ€Š်။

แ€แ€…်แ€ုแ€”ှแ€„့်แ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€•แ€်แ€žแ€€်แ€ြแ€„်းแ€™แ€›ှိแ€žော แ€–ြแ€…်แ€›แ€•်แ€™ျား (mutually exclusive events) แ€™ျားแ€ွแ€„် แ€™ှแ€”်แ€žော แ€กแ€€ြောแ€„်းแ€กแ€ြแ€„်း แ€กแ€›ာแ€™ျားแ€žแ€Š် แ€™แ€Š်แ€žแ€Š့်แ€กแ€ါแ€™ျှ แ€™แ€™ှားแ€žแ€€ဲ့แ€žို့ แ€™ှားแ€žော แ€กแ€€ြောแ€„်းแ€กแ€ြแ€„်းแ€กแ€›ာแ€™ျားแ€žแ€Š် แ€™แ€Š်แ€žแ€Š့်แ€กแ€ါแ€™ျှ แ€™แ€™ှแ€”်แ€•ေ။ แ€กแ€†ိုแ€•ါ แ€กแ€šူแ€กแ€†แ€€ိုแ€œแ€€်แ€€ိုแ€„်แ€•ြု၍ Proof by Contradiction แ€•ုแ€…္แ€†ာแ€™ျားแ€€ို แ€–ြေแ€›ှแ€„်းแ€œေ့แ€›ှိแ€žแ€Š်။

  • แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ျားแ€žแ€Š် 2 ၏ แ€†แ€ိုးแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ျား แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

  • แ€™แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ျားแ€žแ€Š် 2 แ€–ြแ€„့် แ€…ား၍ แ€™แ€•ြแ€်แ€•ါ။

  • Rational แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ှแ€”်แ€žแ€™ျှแ€žแ€Š် แ€กแ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ုံแ€…ံแ€–ြแ€„့် แ€–ော်แ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€žแ€Š်။

  • Irrational แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ျားแ€žแ€Š် แ€กแ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ုံแ€…ံแ€–ြแ€„့် แ€™แ€–ော်แ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါ။
แ€…แ€žแ€Š်แ€ို့แ€žแ€Š် แ€กแ€™ြဲแ€™ှแ€”်แ€žော แ€™ှแ€”်แ€€แ€”်แ€ျแ€€်แ€™ျား แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€™ှแ€”်แ€žောแ€กแ€€ြောแ€„်းแ€กแ€›ာแ€€ိုแ€žာ แ€™ှแ€”်แ€€ြောแ€„်းแ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€žแ€Š်။ แ€ြိแ€‚ံแ€žแ€Š် แ€ြိแ€‚ံแ€–ြแ€…်แ€žောแ€€ြောแ€„့်แ€žာ แ€ြိแ€‚ံแ€–ြแ€…်แ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ြแ€„်း แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။ แ€…แ€ုแ€‚ံแ€–ြแ€…်แ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€™แ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါ။ แ€ြိแ€‚ံแ€™ြแ€„်แ€•ါแ€œျှแ€€် แ€ြိแ€‚ံแ€–ြแ€…်แ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€ိုแ€„်း แ€ြแ€„်းแ€™ှာ แ€œแ€€်แ€ွေ့แ€™แ€†แ€”်แ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€ေแ€–แ€”်แ€œေ့แ€›ှိแ€žแ€Š်။ แ€œแ€€်แ€ွေ့แ€†แ€”်แ€™ှု แ€™แ€†แ€”်แ€™ှုแ€€ို แ€…แ€…်แ€†ေးแ€œိုแ€ြแ€„်းแ€™แ€Ÿုแ€်แ€•ဲ၊ แ€˜ာแ€žာแ€›แ€•် แ€”ားแ€œแ€Š်แ€แ€်แ€žိแ€™ှု၊ แ€กแ€šူแ€กแ€†แ€€ို แ€”ားแ€œแ€Š်แ€™ှု၊ แ€ေါ်แ€Ÿာแ€›แ€žိแ€›ှိแ€™ှု၊ แ€†แ€„်แ€ြแ€„်แ€žုံးแ€žแ€•်แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€™ှု แ€…แ€žแ€Š့် แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€žူ၏ แ€…ွแ€™်းแ€›แ€Š်แ€€ို แ€…แ€…်แ€†ေးแ€ြแ€„်းแ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

Example (1)

Prove by contradiction that $\sqrt{2}$ is an irrational number.

$\sqrt{2}$ แ€žแ€Š် irrational แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€–ြแ€…်แ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€•ါ။

Irrational number แ€†ိုแ€žแ€Š်แ€™ှာ แ€กแ€†ုံးแ€™แ€›ှိ แ€•ြแ€”်แ€™แ€‘แ€•် แ€’แ€žแ€™แ€€ိแ€”်း แ€แ€…်แ€”แ€Š်း แ€กแ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€–ြแ€„့် แ€–ော်แ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ြแ€„်းแ€™แ€›ှိแ€žော แ€™แ€›ှိแ€žော แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ျားแ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။ แ€šแ€ုแ€•ုแ€…္แ€†ာแ€€ို แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€›แ€”် แ€กแ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€€ိแ€”်း၏ แ€žแ€်แ€™ှแ€်แ€ျแ€€်แ€€ို แ€žိแ€›ှိแ€›แ€”်แ€œိုแ€•ါแ€žแ€Š်။

แ€กแ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€†ိုแ€žแ€Š်แ€™ှာ แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€”ှแ€…်แ€ု၏ แ€กแ€ျိုးแ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။ แ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€ြေแ€”ှแ€„့် แ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€ေแ€”ှแ€…်แ€ုแ€œုံးแ€žแ€Š် แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€™ျားแ€žာ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€›แ€™แ€Š်။ แ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€ေแ€”ှแ€„့်แ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€ြေแ€žแ€Š် แ€กแ€„แ€š်แ€†ုံး แ€€ျแ€‰်းแ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€•ုံแ€…ံ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€›แ€™แ€Š်။ แ€†ိုแ€œိုแ€žแ€Š်แ€™ှာ $\displaystyle\frac{p}{q}$ แ€Ÿုแ€›ေးแ€œျှแ€„် $p$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $q$ แ€žแ€Š် $1$ แ€™ှ แ€œွဲ၍ แ€™แ€Š်แ€žแ€Š့်แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€”ှแ€„့်แ€™ှ แ€…ား၍ แ€™แ€•ြแ€်แ€ော့แ€žော แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€™ျား แ€–ြแ€…်แ€›แ€™แ€Š်။ แ€แ€…်แ€”แ€Š်းแ€†ိုแ€žော် $p$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $q$၏ แ€กแ€€ြီးแ€†ုံး แ€˜ုံแ€†แ€ွဲแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ှာ $1$ แ€žာ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€›แ€™แ€Š်။ แ€กแ€€ြီးแ€†ုံး แ€˜ုံแ€†แ€ွဲแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ှာ $1$ แ€žာแ€›ှိแ€žော แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€”ှแ€…်แ€œုံးแ€€ို relatively prime numbers (แ€žို့แ€™แ€Ÿုแ€်) coprime numbers แ€Ÿုแ€ေါ်แ€žแ€Š်။ แ€กแ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€ွแ€„် แ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€ေแ€”ှแ€„့်แ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€ြေแ€žแ€Š် coprime numbers แ€™ျား แ€–ြแ€…်แ€›แ€™แ€Š်။

$\sqrt{2}$ แ€žแ€Š် irrational แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€–ြแ€…်แ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€•ါ แ€Ÿုแ€™ေးแ€‘ားแ€žแ€Š် แ€–ြแ€…်แ€›ာ แ€•ေးแ€‘ားแ€กแ€†ိုแ€€ို แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„် แ€šူแ€†แ€•ါแ€™แ€Š်။

แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„် แ€šူแ€†แ€ျแ€€်แ€™ှာ $\sqrt{2}$ แ€žแ€Š် rational แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $\sqrt{2}$ แ€€ို $\displaystyle\frac{p}{q}$ แ€Ÿူ၍ แ€–ော်แ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€žแ€Š်။ $p$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $q$ แ€ွแ€„် $1$ แ€™ှแ€œွဲ၍ แ€ူแ€Šီแ€žော แ€˜ုံแ€†แ€ွဲแ€€ိแ€”်း แ€™แ€›ှိแ€•ါ။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $p^2=2q^2$ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ါแ€™แ€Š်။

$p^2$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $q^2$ แ€”ှแ€…်แ€‘แ€•်แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ျား (perfect square) แ€™ျား แ€ွေ့แ€›แ€•ါแ€žแ€Š်။

แ€”ှแ€…်แ€‘แ€•်แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ျား ၏ แ€‚ုแ€်แ€žแ€္แ€ိแ€™ှာ แ€™แ€€ိแ€”်း ၏ แ€”ှแ€…်แ€‘แ€•်แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€žแ€Š် แ€™แ€€ိแ€”်း แ€žာ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ြီး แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်း၏ แ€”ှแ€…်แ€‘แ€•်แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€žแ€Š် แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€žာ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€แ€…်แ€ုแ€žแ€Š် 2 แ€–ြแ€„့်แ€…ား၍ แ€•ြแ€်แ€žောแ€€ြောแ€„့် แ€™แ€Š်แ€žแ€Š့်แ€€ိแ€”်း $k$ แ€กแ€ွแ€€် แ€™แ€†ို $2k$ แ€žแ€Š်แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်း แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ြီး แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်း แ€™ှ $1$ แ€œျော့แ€œျှแ€„် (แ€žို့) แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€€ို $1$ แ€ိုးแ€œျှแ€„် แ€™แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် แ€™แ€Š်แ€žแ€Š့်แ€€ိแ€”်း $k$ แ€กแ€ွแ€€် แ€™แ€†ို $2k\pm 1$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€™แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

$2q^2$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်း แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žောแ€€ြောแ€„့် $p^2$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ြီး $2q^2$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€–ြแ€…်แ€›แ€”် $q^2$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€™แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€žာ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€›แ€™แ€Š်။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $q$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€™แ€€ိแ€”်း แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $p$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်း แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။ แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $p =2k$ แ€Ÿု แ€šူแ€†แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $(2k)^2=2q^2$ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€™แ€Š်။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $(q^2=2k^2$ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€™แ€Š်။ แ€›แ€œแ€’်แ€กแ€› $q^2$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $q$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€…ုံแ€€ိแ€”်း แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€กแ€€ြောแ€„်းแ€กแ€ြแ€„်းแ€กแ€›ာ แ€Šီแ€Šွแ€်แ€ြแ€„်း แ€™แ€›ှိแ€žောแ€€ြောแ€„့် $\sqrt{2}$ แ€žแ€Š် rational แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€แ€…်แ€ုแ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š် แ€†ိုแ€žော แ€šူแ€†แ€ျแ€€်แ€™ှแ€”်แ€•ါ။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် แ€™ူแ€œแ€กแ€†ို $\sqrt{2}$ แ€žแ€Š် irrational แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်แ€†ိုแ€žแ€Š့် แ€กแ€†ိုแ€™ှာ แ€™ှแ€”်แ€žแ€Š်แ€Ÿု แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€žแ€Š်။


Assume that $\sqrt{2}$ is a rational number.

Then$\sqrt{2}=\displaystyle \frac{p}{q}$ where $p$ and $q$ have no common factor.

$\therefore\ \ p^2=2q^2$.

$\therefore\ \ p^2$ is even that implies $p$ is even and hence $q^2$ and $q$ must be odd.

Since $p$ is even, assume that $p=2k$ where $k$ is an integer.

$\therefore\ \ (2k)^2=2q^2$ and $q^2 = 2k^2$ that implies $q$ is an even number and this is contradiction.

Hence, we can say that $\sqrt{2}$ is an irrational number.

Example (2)

Prove by contradiction that for any integer $n>1$, $n$ and $n+1$ do not have a prime factor in common.

$1$ แ€‘แ€€်แ€€ြီး แ€žောแ€™แ€Š့်แ€žแ€Š့်แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့် $n$ แ€กแ€ွแ€€်แ€™แ€†ို $n$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $n+1$ แ€ွแ€„် แ€ူแ€Šီแ€žော แ€žုแ€’္แ€“แ€†แ€ွဲแ€€ိแ€”်း แ€™แ€›ှိแ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„်แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€”แ€Š်း แ€–ြแ€„့် แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€•ါ။

$n$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $n+1$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€›ှေ့แ€”ောแ€€်แ€€แ€•်แ€œျှแ€€် แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€”ှแ€…်แ€ု แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žောแ€€ြောแ€„့် แ€†แ€ွဲแ€€ိแ€”်း แ€™แ€›ှိแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါ။ แ€™แ€›ှိแ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„် แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€›แ€™แ€Š် แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $1$ แ€‘แ€€်แ€€ြီး แ€žောแ€™แ€Š့်แ€žแ€Š့်แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့် $n$ แ€กแ€ွแ€€်แ€™แ€†ို $n$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $n+1$ แ€ွแ€„် แ€ူแ€Šီแ€žော แ€žုแ€’္แ€“แ€†แ€ွဲแ€€ိแ€”်း แ€›ှိแ€žแ€Š်แ€Ÿု แ€šူแ€†แ€™แ€Š်။

แ€กแ€†ိုแ€•ါ แ€žုแ€’္แ€“แ€†แ€ွဲแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€žแ€Š် $p$ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ါแ€…ေ။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $n=pk$, $k$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€”ှแ€„့် $n+1 = pk$, $k$ แ€žแ€Š် แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။

แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် $(n+1)-n = p(h-k)$ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€™แ€Š်။

แ€†แ€€်แ€œแ€€်แ€–ြေแ€›ှแ€„်းแ€žော် $p (h-k) = 1$ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€™แ€Š်။

แ€กแ€‘แ€€်แ€•ါแ€Šီแ€™ျှแ€ြแ€„်းแ€ွแ€„် $p$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $h-k$ แ€ို့แ€žแ€Š် แ€™แ€ူแ€Šီแ€žော แ€†แ€ွဲแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ျား แ€–ြแ€…်แ€€ြแ€žแ€Š်။

แ€žို့แ€›ာแ€ွแ€„် $1$ ၏ แ€†แ€ွဲแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ှာ $1$ แ€žာ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žောแ€€ြောแ€„့် $p$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $h-k$ แ€ို့แ€žแ€Š် แ€™แ€ူแ€Šီแ€žော แ€†แ€ွဲแ€€ိแ€”်းแ€™ျား แ€–ြแ€…်แ€€ြแ€žแ€Š် แ€†ိုแ€žော แ€›แ€œแ€’်แ€™แ€™ှแ€”်แ€ော့แ€•ါ။ แ€‘ို့แ€€ြောแ€„့် แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„်แ€šူแ€†แ€ျแ€€်แ€™ှားแ€•ြီး แ€™ူแ€œแ€กแ€†ို แ€™ှแ€”်แ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€žแ€Š်။


Suppose that for any integer $n>1$, $n$ and $n+1$ have a prime factor $p$.

Then we have $n=pk$ and $n+1=ph$ where $k$ and $h$ are distinct integers.

Hence $(n+1)-n = p(h-k)$ that implies $p(h-k)=1$.

Here $p$ and $h-k$ are distinct integers but 1 only has itself as a factor so this is a contradiction.

Thus, for any integer $n>1$, $n$ and $n+1$ do not have a prime factor in common.

Example (3)

Prove by contradiction that the curves $ y=x^4+7x^2+5$ and $ y=x^2$ do not intersect each other.

$ y=x^4+7x^2+5$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $ y=x^2$ แ€แ€…်แ€ုแ€”ှแ€„့် แ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€™แ€–ြแ€်แ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€•ါ။

แ€žိแ€›ှိแ€‘ားแ€™แ€Š့် แ€กแ€ျแ€€်แ€™ှာ Curve แ€”ှแ€…်แ€ု แ€แ€…်แ€ုแ€”ှแ€„့်แ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€–ြแ€်แ€œျှแ€„် แ€Šီแ€™ျှแ€ြแ€„်းแ€”ှแ€…်แ€ုแ€€ို แ€แ€•ြိုแ€„်แ€”แ€€် แ€•ြေแ€œแ€Š်แ€…ေแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€žော $x$ แ€แ€”်แ€–ိုး แ€›ှိแ€žแ€Š်။ แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„် แ€กแ€†ိုแ€•ြုแ€ျแ€€် $ y=x^4+7x^2+5$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $ y=x^2$ แ€แ€…်แ€ုแ€”ှแ€„့်แ€แ€…်แ€ု แ€–ြแ€်แ€žแ€Š်แ€Ÿုแ€šူแ€†၍ แ€–ြแ€်แ€™ှแ€်แ€›ှာแ€™แ€Š်။ แ€–ြแ€်แ€™ှแ€်แ€™แ€›ှိแ€žောแ€กแ€ါ แ€šူแ€†แ€ျแ€€်แ€™ှားแ€šွแ€„်းแ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€™ူแ€œแ€กแ€†ို แ€™ှแ€”်แ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါแ€žแ€Š်။


$ C_1 :\quad y=x^4+7x^2+5$

$ C_2 :\quad y=x^4+7x^2+5$

Assume that $ C_1$ and $ C_2$ intersect each other.

At the point of intersection,

$ x^4+7x^2+5 = x^2$

$ x^4+6x^2+5 = 0$

$ \therefore \quad (x^2+5)(x^2+1)=0$

$ \therefore \quad x^2= -5 \ \text{or}\ x^2=-1$

There is no real solution for $x$ and our assumption is not true.

Hence the curves $ y=x^4+7x^2+5$ and $ y=x^2$ do not intersect each other.

Example (4)

Use proof by contradiction to show that there exist no integers a and b for which $25a + 15b = 1$.

แ€†แ€”့်แ€€ျแ€„် แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€”แ€Š်းแ€€ို แ€žုံး၍ $25a + 15b = 1$ แ€€ို‌ แ€•ြေแ€œแ€Š်แ€…ေแ€žော แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€แ€”်แ€–ိုး $a$ แ€”ှแ€„့် $b$ แ€™แ€›ှိแ€€ြောแ€„်း แ€žแ€€်แ€žေแ€•ြแ€•ါ။

แ€žိแ€›ှိแ€‘ားแ€›แ€™แ€Š့် แ€กแ€ျแ€€်แ€™ှာ แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€™ျား၏ แ€•ေါแ€„်းแ€œแ€’်၊ แ€”ုแ€်แ€œแ€’်แ€”ှแ€„့် แ€™ြှောแ€€်แ€œแ€’်แ€ို့แ€™ှာ แ€€ိแ€”်းแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€™ျားแ€žာ แ€–ြแ€…်แ€žแ€Š်။


Let us assume that there exist integers $a$ and $b$ for which $25a + 15b = 1$.

Since $25a + 15b = 1$, dividing both sides with 5, $5a + 3b =\displaystyle \frac{1}{5}$.

Since $a$ and $b$ are integers, both $5a$ and $3b$ are integers and their sum $5a + 3b$ must be integers.

But $\displaystyle \frac{1}{5}$ is not integer and so this is contradiction.

So, our assumption is false and the original statement is true.

Therefore, there do not exist integers $a$ and $b$ for which $25a + 15b = 1$.


  1. Prove by contradiction that $\sqrt{3}$ is irrational.

  2. Prove by contradiction that the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational.

  3. Prove by contradiction that there are infinitely many prime numbers.

  4. Prove, by contradiction that $\displaystyle\frac{a+b}{2} \geq \sqrt{a b} \quad \forall\ a, b \in \mathbb{N}$.

  5. Prove by contradiction that if $m^{2}=10$ then $m$ is not a rational number.